
Is the earth flat?
Is the earth flat?

is the earth flat?

Other flat Earth believers say that there is no edge, and that Earth is flat and goes on forever. But regular people can’t go there to see the edge because it’s highly guarded by secret international troops. As an example, an obvious question is why don’t we find an edge? Well, some say, there is an edge-it’s the Antarctic which forms an ice wall around the flat Earth to keep the oceans from spilling over the edge.

is the earth flat?

movement contains a great diversity of flat Earth beliefs. An important point of the book is that the F.E. movement was just a bunch of people who thought that Earth was flat and left it at that. Before reading this book, I had thought that the F.E. That movement is more bizarre and interesting than I, at least, had any idea. Investigative journalist Kelly Weill’s important book details her investigation of the flat Earth movement, the people involved, and their psychology. However, there is no possibility of a flat planet. None of these beliefs directly violate physical reality. It is possible to inject harmful substances. It is possible to steal elections, eat children and engage in disgusting sexual activity. It is possible to spray chemicals into the air from aircraft. Why? The other conspiracy beliefs have at their core a tiny, tiny bit of physical plausibility. Among chemtrails, QAnon, rigged election, and vaccine conspiracies, flat Earth (F.E.) beliefs surely belong at or near the top. In 2022 it’s hard to decide which is the craziest conspiracy theory people believe.

Is the earth flat?